About StacksOnTM
StacksOnTM is a 3D stockpile yard modelling application that enables the visual tracking of material and grades in near real time and in an intuitive way.
BHP Iron Ore are successfully using StacksOn across their entire WA operations, both at the mine site and Ports, with significant savings per annum.
Ship Tonnes Faster
What does your current grade tracking system really cost?
There is a need in most bulk storage facilities to understand the product characteristics within the stockpiles and to act in real-time, but many grade tracking systems rely on using manually manipulated spreadsheets or complex software packages which all share the same shortcomings:
- Large inaccuracies due to data resolution and assumptions made.
- Limited to non-existent tooling around determining optimal reclaiming pattern.
- Not very intuitive.
- Data is not easily interrogated.
- Susceptibility to human error.
Visibility = profitability
StacksOnTM was initially designed and implemented for the mining industry to be flexible enough to cater for both lab analysed samples and on-stream analysers whilst overcoming the limitations of traditional grade tracking systems:
- Get Real time Accurate and Detailed information
- Optimise Storage
- Prevent off-spec shipments
- Improve operational efficiencies
- Reduce manual data processing
- Automation prevents human error
StacksOnTM can be deployed by our experienced team and is easy to use with free ongoing support.
"StacksOn allows better decision making, and improved stability and performance, and we’re seeing improved product stability and better visibility of mine to plant grade."
Pieter Fourie
Manager Processing Production in Jimblebar
Want to
know more?
For more detailed information, download the StacksOnTM Stockyard Management white paper